Sunday, October 7, 2012


For Fall break we went to PCB with our family and a group of our closest friends. We had a blast! Days spent on the beach, watching the kids play in the sand and ocean, nights spent on the patio talking and just being together. This was far one of my best vacations. It was my kids first trip to the beach. They loved it. They made memories of a lifetime. How many kids get to go on vacation with their best friends? I hope they remember this trip for a very long time.
While we were there Briley Jane turned 8 months old. Hard to believe time is going by so quickly. She's starting to develop her own personality. She hasn't started to crawl-she's not even interested. She loved the ocean and the sand.
The only small hiccup we had was Troy got stung by a jellyfish- it was funny in a way.
To my babies- I hope you had the best time ever. I hope that you enjoyed spending time and making memories with your best friends. That's what life's all about.
To my friends- thank you for being a part of one of the best vacations ever. I love you guys and don't know what I'd do without any one of you.