Friday, October 29, 2010

My Babies.....

Trace is our baby, he's the last child we'll probably have, unless God has other plans for us in mind. When he hits a milestone, it's bittersweet. I'm happy and sad all the same time. When Trevor hit a milestone  we were so happy. With Trace its different. Not that I'm not happy, its just that its a sign that my baby boy,my last born, my Boog is growing up and there will be no more babies. When Trevor started school I was scared   excited for him. When Trace started I cried, but soon got over that. There's just a difference.

 In September, I took the boys to the dentist for their regular cleanings. the dentist was checking Trace's teeth and said " Uh- Oh, we got a lose tooth, Mom."  What? My baby has a lose tooth?!? This can't be, he's just too young. After that i never mentioned it to him again, never tried to think about my baby losing his very first tooth. Last night, he came home and said " MOM! My tooth is loose!!!" I watched him try to yank it out wiggle it loose and seeing the determination in his face; he wanted the tooth fairy to come see him so badly. Trevor tried to give him some " big brother advice" on how to pull a tooth out. I laughed and then I felt tears well up in my eyes as I realized that my babies were growing up. One day they won't need me to wipe away thier tears. They won't need me to kiss thier boo-boos or put a band-aid on to make it all better. They won't need me to rock them  to sleep or tuck them in  bed. I love to hear my boys laugh and play, it's the best sound ever.

 I don't know why Trace's loose tooth set my emotions in action, but I know one thing as long as I'm living they'll always be my babies.

                                                        I love you, Babies

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