I saw old pictures from way back when. Old pictures of my cousins that are now all grown up. We were so close back then, we were sisters. I miss those days. Then we saw some of friends that I grew up with. It was like I was looking at each chapter of my life.
Family is the most important thing to me. I still love all of my little and older ( Marsha) cousins just as much as I did back then. Life happens and we grew a part. We all have children now, so it makes it hard for us to see each other.
The friends that have been in my life since forever ago, are still and always will be my lifelong friends. I love you( you know who you are) and always will. I have made some new friends over the years and I consider them as family as well. I don't think that you have to be blood related to be a part of my family. I would do anything for these guys and we love their children as if they were our own. You guys know who you are.
I want my boys to understand the value of family and friends. To treat them right and be a good friend.
Now since I have married Troy I have another big 'ole family and I love
so I ask you... What is family to you?